25th Anniversary Sponsorships
Our sponsorship levels recognize some of Minnesota’s
largest and most historic native trees.
They symbolize endurance, resilience, and strength - attributes we associate with the commitment and quiet dedication we witness every day in the caregivers we serve.
Trees are life-giving, majestic, and rejuvenating.
They provide refuge, sanctuary and relief.
Please consider sponsoring the ongoing mission of the Center at one of the levels listed below.
Sponsorship Levels
+ Bur Oak: $35,000
includes full table (8 tickets) + full year of corporate acknowledgement on website and key placement in all event materials including invitations, video, caregiver booklet, program and sponsor signage.
+ Black Willow: $10,000
includes 6 tickets + corporate acknowledgement on website and in event materials including invitations, video, caregiver booklet, program and signage.
+ Bigtooth Aspen $5,000
includes two pair (4) tickets + corporate acknowledgement on website and in event materials including video, program and signage.
+ Silver Maple: $2,500
includes three (3) tickets + corporate acknowledgement on website and in video, program and signage.
+ Jack Pine: $1,000
includes one pair (2) tickets + corporate acknowledgement on website and in video, program and signage.
+ Northern Red Oak: $750
includes free ticket + corporate acknowledgement on website and in video, program and signage.
+ White Pine: Enter any amount